M Quotes James Bond

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James Bond: Bond eyes a beauty nearby who smiles at him I'm, ah, sure I will. A View To A Kill James Bond: Well my dear, I take it you spend quite a lot of time in the saddle. James Bond — ‘I don't stop when I am tired, I stop when I am done'. Read more quotes from James Bond. Share this quote: Like Quote. Recommend to friends. James Bond: True. But this one overcompensates by wearing slightly masculine clothing. Being more aggressive than her female colleagues. Which gives her a somewhat.prickly. demeanor, and ironically enough, makes it less likely for her to be accepted and promoted by her male superiors, who mistake her insecurities for arrogance. 12 of James Bond's funniest and most memorable one-liners 'Shocking. Positively shocking.' We celebrate James Bond's gift for a one-liner with some of the best lines uttered by 007.

M quotes james bond

James Bond: Bond eyes a beauty nearby who smiles at him I'm, ah, sure I will. A View To A Kill James Bond: Well my dear, I take it you spend quite a lot of time in the saddle. James Bond — ‘I don't stop when I am tired, I stop when I am done'. Read more quotes from James Bond. Share this quote: Like Quote. Recommend to friends. James Bond: True. But this one overcompensates by wearing slightly masculine clothing. Being more aggressive than her female colleagues. Which gives her a somewhat.prickly. demeanor, and ironically enough, makes it less likely for her to be accepted and promoted by her male superiors, who mistake her insecurities for arrogance. 12 of James Bond's funniest and most memorable one-liners 'Shocking. Positively shocking.' We celebrate James Bond's gift for a one-liner with some of the best lines uttered by 007.


Miss Moneypenny Quotes:

  • Miss Moneypenny: [Moneypenny is typing a disinformative newspaper report in her office, when 007 walks in] James!

    James Bond: Moneypenny.

    [Bond and Moneypenny embrace and kiss. Bond lays Moneypenny out on her desk]

    Miss Moneypenny: Oh, James..

    [Continue kissing, when all of a sudden.. ]

    Q: [walking in] Moneypenny?

    [Moneypenny sits up abruptly and removes a pair of virtual reality simulation centre glasses]

    Miss Moneypenny: Um.. I was.. um.. just testing it out.

    [She blushes and buttons her blouse]

    Q: Oh, it's rather hard, isn't it?

    Miss Moneypenny: Yes.. very..

  • Miss Moneypenny: M authorizes you to observe Miss Onatopp but stipulates no - contact without prior approval. End transmission, Moneypenny. Good night, James. I trust you'll stay - Onatopp of things.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Miss Moneypenny: You know, this sort of behaviour could qualify as sexual harassment.

    James Bond: Really. What's the penalty for that?

    Miss Moneypenny: Someday, you'll have to make good on your innuendos.

  • James Bond: Hmm, never seen you after hours, Moneypenny.. lovely.

    Miss Moneypenny: Thank you, James.

    James Bond: Out on some kind of fashion assignment, dressing to kill?

    Miss Moneypenny: I know you'll find this crushing, 007, but I don't sit at home every night praying for some international incident so I can run down here all dressed up to impress James Bond. I was on a date, if you must know, with a gentlemen. We went to the theater together.

    James Bond: Moneypenny, I'm devastated.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • James Bond: What would I ever do without you?

    Miss Moneypenny: As far as I can remember, James, you've never had me.

    James Bond: Hope springs eternal.

  • James Bond: After you, Moneypenny.

    Miss Moneypenny: No, I insist. You first.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Miss Moneypenny: James!

    James Bond: Moneypenny, a feast for my eyes!

    Miss Moneypenny: What about the rest of you?

    James Bond: Well, I was going to get around to that.

  • Miss Moneypenny: James! Where have you been? I've been searching all over London for you.

    [Picks up phone]

    Miss Moneypenny: 007 is here sir.

    [Slaps Bond's hand away from the papers on her desk]

    James Bond: Moneypenny! What gives?

    Miss Moneypenny: Me, given an ounce of encouragement. You've never taken me to dinner looking like this. You've never taken me to dinner..

    James Bond: I would, you know. Only 'M' would have me court-martialed for.. illegal use of government property.

    Miss Moneypenny: Flattery will get you nowhere - but don't stop trying.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Miss Moneypenny: [At a horse Ascot Racecourse] Come on Fluke! Get a wiggle on!

  • James Bond: Well, I must say you've become more beautiful everyday.

    Miss Moneypenny: *I'm* over here.

    James Bond: Oh, of course you are.

    Miss Moneypenny: And this is Miss Penelope Smallbone - my new assistant.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • James Bond: What can I say Miss Moneypenny, except to say that she is - as attractive and, eh, - as charming..

    Miss Moneypenny: As I used to be?

    James Bond: I didn't say that.

    Miss Moneypenny: You're such a flatter, James.

    James Bond: Oh, Moneypenny, you know there never has been and - there never will be anybody but you.

    Miss Moneypenny: So, you've told me.

  • James Bond: Welcome to universal exports.

    [Bond gives Miss Smallbone a bouquet of red carnations]

    Miss Moneypenny: Take it dear, that's all you'll ever get from him.

    Penelope Smallbone: Thank you, Commander Bond.

    James Bond: You know me?

    Penelope Smallbone: Miss Moneypenny described you.

    Miss Moneypenny: In nauseating detail.

    James Bond: Really?

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • James Bond: What do you know about gold, Moneypenny?

    Miss Moneypenny: Oh, the only gold I know about is the kind you wear.. you know, on the third finger of your left hand?

    James Bond: Hmm, one of these days we really must look into that.

    Miss Moneypenny: What about tonight? You'll come over for dinner..

    [playfully tosses Bond's hat onto the hat rack]

    Miss Moneypenny: and I'll cook you a wonderful angel cake.

    James Bond: Well, nothing would give me greater pleasure, but unfortunately I do have a.. business appointment.

    Miss Moneypenny: That's the flimsiest excuse you've ever given me. Oh, well, some girls have all the luck. Who is she, James?

    M: [over intercom] 'She' is me, Miss Moneypenny. And kindly omit the customary byplay with 007. He's dining with me and I don't want him to be late.

    Miss Moneypenny: [to Bond] So there's hope for me yet.

    James Bond: [gives Moneypenny a playful peck on the cheek] Moneypenny, won't you ever believe me?

  • James Bond: Keep this between ourselves.

    Miss Moneypenny: That girl must be very talented.

    James Bond: Believe me, my interest in her is purely professional.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Q: Una Yakov. Confirmed kills - 3. Probable kills - 2. Assassination methods - strangulation with hands or thighs.

    Miss Moneypenny: Why, James, she's just your type.

    James Bond: Wrong again, Moneypenny. You are.

    Miss Moneypenny: I'll file that with the other secret information around here.

  • James Bond: Moneypenny, be a dear, ask Records to monitor Czech publications and news services, see if they can find any mention of a woman cellist at a Conservatoire in Bratislava.

    Miss Moneypenny: I didn't know you were such a music lover, James. Anytime you want to drop by and listen to my Barry Manilow collection..

    [Bond pats Moneypenny on the behind twice and leaves]

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • James Bond: [Playfully] Once more into the breach, dear friends.

    Miss Moneypenny: And one plane ticket, lucky man. I've never been to Istanbul.

    James Bond: You've never been to Istanbul? Where the moonlight on the Bosphorus is irresistible.

    Miss Moneypenny: Maybe I should get you to take me there someday. I've tried everything else.

    James Bond: Darling, Moneypenny, you know I've never even looked at another woman.

    Miss Moneypenny: Oh, really James?

    James Bond: Let me tell you the secret of the world..

    [Interrupted by M]

  • James Bond: Anyone seeing you in that outfit, Moneypenny, would most certainly be discouraged from leaving the country. What can I bring you back from Holland?

    Miss Moneypenny: A diamond? In a ring?

    James Bond: Would you settle for a tulip?

    Miss Moneypenny: [Bond leaves; she sighs longingly] Yes!

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • James Bond: Still here, Moneypenny? You should be in bed.

    Miss Moneypenny: James, we *both* should be!

  • Miss Moneypenny: Have you got an assignment, James?

    James Bond: Yes, Moneypenny. I'm to eliminate all free radicals.

    Miss Moneypenny: Ooh. Do be careful.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Miss Moneypenny: James! But, why are you so late?

    James Bond: I fell out of an airplane without a parachute. Who's in there?

    Miss Moneypenny: Q and the Minister of Defense.

    James Bond: You don't believe me do you?

    Miss Moneypenny: No. And you should go right in.

  • Miss Moneypenny: Why James, you look like you've just fallen off a mountain.

    James Bond: Funny you should say that, Moneypenny, actually I was in a cable car. It doesn't matter.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Miss Moneypenny: Uh uh. In the conference room. Something pretty big. Every double-oh man in Europe's been rushed in. *And* the Home Secretary, too.

    James Bond: Somebody's probably lost a dog.

  • Miss Moneypenny: James, how else will you recognize her?

    James Bond: Can't miss. She has two moles on her left thigh.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Miss Moneypenny: [Talking on the phone] A red square with a spike through it?

    Bond: Yes, I think it's a tong sign: the Red Dragon from Macao. Ask Records to verify it, will you?

    Miss Moneypenny: Uh, sorry, sweetie. You're off duty. File it till you get back.

    Bond: Moneypenny, next time I see you, I'll put you across my knee.

    Miss Moneypenny: On yogurt and lemon juice? Ah-ha-ha. I can hardly wait!

  • Miss Moneypenny: [Looking at a photograph] A smashing figure! I don't suppose that has anything to do with your request.

    Bond: Was there ever a man more misunderstood.

    Miss Moneypenny: Now, James, you can't pull the wool over my eyes. You may be able to con the old man, but, I know better.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Miss Moneypenny: *You* are late!

    James Bond: Yes. Some people on the roads really burn you up these days.

  • Sir James: [taking the reins of the British Secret Service] Oh, by the way, Moneypenny, since I've come in here, have you heard me stammer?

    Miss Moneypenny: No, sir!

    Sir James: Splendid. Let me know if I do; I haven't got time for that sort of thing now.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Miss Moneypenny: I really have to note your qualifications.

    Cooper: Height: six foot two and a half. 184 pounds. Trophies for karate and judo, holder of the Kama Sutra black belt.

    Miss Moneypenny: Very impressive. How do you spell that?

    Cooper: I'll show you!

  • Sir James: Ah, this is where you come in Moneypenny. I want you to go through all the Auxiliary Files.

    Miss Moneypenny: The lot, sir? It'll take all night.

    Sir James: Your mother did some of her best work at night.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Sir James: Good lord! Moneypenny, you haven't changed a bit.

    [Long Kiss]

    Miss Moneypenny: Actually, I'm Miss Moneypenny's daughter.

    Sir James: How is your dear mother?

  • Miss Moneypenny: [Kissing on a bed] And what is your name?

    Cooper: Cooper, big eyes; but, don't be formal, call me Coop.

    Miss Moneypenny: It sounds like something for keeping birds.

    Cooper: That's me!

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Sir James: From now on, all remaining agents and trainees will be known as James Bond 007, including the girls.

    Cooper: Won't that be rather confusing, sir?

    Sir James: Exactly! The enemy won't know which way to turn. You are now, James Bond.

    Miss Moneypenny: Congratulations, 007.

    Cooper: And you, 007, sir.

    Sir James: Good hunting, 007!

  • Sir James: No one can be such a perverse idiot as to assault a Customs official. It must be deliberate.

    Miss Moneypenny: It may just be natural talent, sir.

    -- Miss Moneypenny
  • Sir James: I must say, this place brings back a few memories.

    Miss Moneypenny: Yes. Mother told me some of them. Slot group pull.

    Sir James: [Opens liquor cabinet] She probably also told you that I'm partial to jasmine tea.

    Miss Moneypenny: [Writes it down] Jasmine tea, sir.

  • Miss Moneypenny: Eh, wIll you be needing me tonight, sir?

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    Sir James: Very probably.

    -- Miss Moneypenny

Daniel Craig James Bond Quotes

Browse more character quotes from Die Another Day (2002)


The Name Is Bond James Bond Quote

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Characters on Die Another Day (2002)

Title Spectre
Year 2015
Director Sam Mendes
Genre Thriller, Adventure, Action
Interpreted by
Plot – 'Spectre' is the 24th James Bond film. A mysterious message about his past convinces James Bond to leave for a new mission in Mexico, and then to go to Rome, where he meets Lucia Sciarra, the beautiful and untouchable widow of a notorious criminal. Bond infiltrates a secret meeting and discovers the existence of a sinister organization known by the name of 'Spectre'. Meanwhile, in London, Max Denbigh, the new head of the Center for National Security, investigates Bond's mission and questions the value of the MI6 section led by M. Bond secretly involves Moneypenny and Q to help him find Madeleine Swann, daughter of his old enemy Mr White, who may hold the key to blocking Spectre's plot. Being the daughter of a murderer, she understands Bond better than anyone else. While Bond ventures into the heart of Spectre, he discovers the existence of a creepy bond between himself and the enemy he chases, played by Christoph Waltz.
All actors – Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes, Monica Bellucci, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Dave Bautista, Andrew Scott, Rory Kinnear, Jesper Christensen, Alessandro Cremona, Stephanie Sigman, Tenoch Huerta, Adriana Paz, Domenico Fortunato, Marco Zingaro, Stefano Elfi DiClaudia, Ian Bonar, Tam Williams, Richard Banham, Pip Carter, Simon Lenagan, Alessandro Bressanello, Marc Zinga, Brigitte Millar, Adel Bencherif, Gediminas Adomaitis, Peppe Lanzetta, Francesco Arca, Matteo Taranto, Emilio Aniba, Benito Sagredo, Dai Tabuchi, George Lasha, Sargon Yelda, Andy Cheung, Erick Hayden, Oleg Mirochnikov, Antonio Salines, Miloud Mourad Benamara, Gido Schimanski, Nigel Barber, Patrice Naiambana, Stephane Cornicard, Gary Fannin, Sadao Ueda, Phillip Law, Wai Wong, Joseph Balderrama, Eiji Mihara, Junichi Kajioka, Victor Schefé, Harald Windisch, Tristan Matthiae, Detlef Bothe, Bodo Friesecke, Wilhelm Iben, Noemi Krausz, Noah Saavedra, Francis Attakpah, Michael Glantschnig, Marlon Boess, Marie Fee Wohlmuth, Lili Epply, Konstantin Gerlach, Lara Parmiani, Umit Ulgen, Amra Mallassi, Ziad Abaza, Walid Mumuni, Derek Horsham, Nari Blair-Mangat, Michael White, Adam McGrady, Nader Dernaika, Pezh Maan, , Nad Abdoolakhan, Kim Adis, Adil Akram, Alister Albert, Lasco Atkins, Omar Ayala, David Olawale Ayinde, Mohan Banerji, Steve Barnett, Mark Baxter, Paul Blackwell, Gerardo Bosco, Matthew Brandon, Dante Briggins, Jill Buchanan, Oliver Cantú Lozano, Mahmud Chowdhury, Eric Coco, Maurisa Selene Coleman, Bern Collaco, Marianna Dean, Christopher DeGress, Alan Del Castillo, Judi Dench, Leigh Dent, Filip Dordievski, Steve Doyle, Daniel Eghan, Leila Elbahy, Karl Farrer, Lucía Figueroa, Neve Gachev, Gloria Garcia, Tim Hammersley, Yumiko Hanasaka, Sam Hanover, Bunmi Hazzan, Romulus Hotea, David Howkins, Solomon Taiwo Justified, Gjevat Kelmendi, Attila G. Kerekes, Kaveh Khatiri, Denis Khoroshko, Darryl Lane, Jorge Leon Martinez, Rogers Leona, Tyrone Love, Shaun Lucas, Johnny Lynch, Sid Man, Joanne Manchester, Gary Mancini, Sergio Mariano, Garry Marriott, Christopher Marsh, Nicholas Marshall, Alex Martin, Martyn Mayger, Pete Meads, Haaris Mirza, Matija Matovic Mondi, Taylor Murphy, Michael Nicolae, Kumud Pant, Mac Pietowski, Mike Ray, Michael Riedacher, Vuksan Rovcanin, James Rumell, Linus Scheithauer, Conny Sharp, Weiwei Si, Clem So, Daran Somers, Karol Steele, Daniel Stisen, Ellen Claire Sutherland, Chuen Tsou, Romeo Visca, Tony Paul West, Paul Weston, Daniel Westwood, Gregg Wilson, Michael G. Wilson, Miroslav Zaruba, Ruolan Zhang, Dominic Zwemmer
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  • 'Nothing can be as painful as listening to you talk.'Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • 'She wouldn't let death get in the way of her job.'Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- Madeleine Swann: You shouldn't stare.
    - James Bond: Well, you shouldn't look like that.'

    Léa Seydoux - Madeleine
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- Madeleine Swann: [given a gun] What if I shoot you by mistake?
    - James Bond: It wouldn't be the first time.'

    Léa Seydoux - Madeleine
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • 'Tempus Fugit.. isn't it funny how time flies?'Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- M: I'm afraid you've got the wrong end of the stick, Max. We're going to stop this system going online, and then I'm going to bring you in.
    - C: On what grounds, exactly?
    - M: Poor taste in friends.'

    Ralph Fiennes - M
    - C
  • 'You interfered in my world, I destroyed yours. Or did you think it was coincidence that all the women in your life ended up dead?'
    Christoph Waltz - Oberhauser
  • '- Madeleine Swann: I see you left this final question blank. What is your occupation.
    - James Bond: Well, that's not the sort of thing that looks good on a form.
    - Madeleine Swann: And why is that?
    - James Bond: I kill people.'

    Léa Seydoux - Madeleine
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- Clinic Barman: Can I get you something, sir?
    - James Bond: Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred.'
    - Clinic Barman
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- Lucia Sciarra: Did you kill my husband?
    - James Bond: He was an assassin. He wouldn't have taken it personally.'

    Monica Bellucci - Lucia
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- Blofeld: You know what happens when a cuckoo hatches inside another bird's nest?
    - Madeleine Swann: Yes. It forces the other eggs out.
    - Blofeld: Yes. Well, this cuckoo made me realize my father's life had to end. In a way he's responsible for the path I took..
    - Blofeld: So thank you, cuckoo!'
    Christoph Waltz - Blofeld
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • 'Out of bullets. And besides, I've got something better to do.'Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • 'A license to kill also means a license Not to kill.'
    Ralph Fiennes - M
  • '- Oberhauser: Why did you come?
    - James Bond: I came here to kill you.
    - Oberhauser: And I thought you came here to die.
    - James Bond: Well, it's all a matter of perspective.'

    Christoph Waltz - Oberhauser
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- Lucia Sciarra: If you don't leave now, we'll die together.
    - James Bond: I can think of worse ways to go.
    - Lucia Sciarra: Then you're obviously crazy, Mr..
    - James Bond: Bond. James Bond.'

    Monica Bellucci - Lucia
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- Oberhauser: Think about it: so many years up there, alone, silent, building momentum until it chose to make its mark on Earth. A huge unstoppable force.
    - James Bond: Except it did stop, didn't it? Right here.'
    Christoph Waltz - Oberhauser
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • 'Well, it was that or the priesthood.'Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- James Bond: I'll send you a postcard.
    - Q: Please don't.'

    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • 'The things that bring people together. Out of horror, beauty.'
    Christoph Waltz - Blofeld
  • '- Eve Moneypenny: He's just a friend.
    - James Bond: At this hour of the night?
    - Eve Moneypenny: It's called life, James. You should try it some time.'

    Naomie Harris - Moneypenny
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • 'I always knew death would wear a familiar face.. but not yours.' - Mr. White
  • 'Welcome, James. It's been a long time.. and, finally, here we are. What took you so long?'
    Christoph Waltz - Oberhauser
  • '- Eve Moneypenny: They say that Mexico was a step too far, that you're finished.
    - James Bond: And what do you think?
    - Eve Moneypenny: I think you're just getting started.'

    Naomie Harris - Moneypenny
    Daniel Craig - James Bond
  • '- James Bond: [Q hands Bond a watch] What does it do?
    - Q: It tells the time. Might help with your punctuality issues.
    - James Bond: M's idea?
    - Q: Precisely. Oh, one word of warning, the alarm is rather loud.. if you know what I mean.'

    Daniel Craig - James Bond
    Ben Whishaw - Q
  • Mind you, there wasn't much left to work, only a steering wheel. I believe I said, 'Bring it back in one piece,' not, 'Bring back one piece'.
    Ben Whishaw - Q

Top 10 James Bond Quotes


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